Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Best Friend.

My Best Friend
A female
A male
He or she can fit in
I put in
My best- my very best
To select from the crowd
My Best Friend

On and on it went
Years passed by
It turned to be ages
Under the sun
Under the rain
Through trying times
While under stress
Looking out for the right qualities

I had friends
Yes, Friends
But not My Best Friend
Was still in search of you
In deep thoughts
They bugged me
But you hugged me
My Best Friend

Some made me groan
Some made me smile
Some made me cry
I asked my God why
Some left me in despair
Just for me to repair
I realized they were not for my heart
Like an axe piercing my heart

My heart was left bare
My face scared
It was not fair
It led me to fear
Fear of mere mortals
So hard for me to bear
So crystal clear
They were not there

My Best Friend
You made me wonder
You made me wander
You made me want to conquer
Conquer the false friends
So that you'll deliver
Just for you
My Best Friend

They were gluttons
They were sappers
Not even merciful
Not even thankful
Not even fearful
They made me sorrowful
It was mournful
As well as scornful

Your absence
Paved way for their presence
My Best Friend
Then came the lonely nights
To question my might
I dreamt of you
I longed for you
To save me from their clutches

I needed you
You and you alone
You knew my weaknesses, my faults
You knew my strengths
You knew my heart
You knew my intentions
You knew my goals
They were in line with yours

I saw hell
Many times, I fell
and I yelled
Just for you to bail
Unlike others,
You ridiculed me not
You laughed at me not
My Best Friend

You embraced me
You curdled me
You wiped away my tears
You took away my fears
I cried for years
But it was a YES
And I said YES
To My Best Friend

At last,
At long last,
Together the fakes we oppress
Together the fakes we suppress
Together the fakes we silence
It was their doom
And thus our boom
My Best Friend

I became thankful
I became careful
I became grateful
I became cheerful
I became beautiful
I became prayerful
Forever with My True Friend!
Forever with My Best Friend!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Life.

I have to admit it has not been easy at all. Yes, I mean life itself is not a bed of roses, for a young creative girl (daddy's and mummy's girl) who has always wanted to make it in life, stand out of the crowd in many special ways on her own without any help (I don't mean financial but intellectual).
She was still like blood and water in her early formative months in the belly. She started feeding gradually, nourishing and increasing in size into a foetus. Her time was almost due and she decided to see the light of her environment in the 8th month- a risky period and faster than her mates.